Some Great Age-Exclusive New Homes Across The South Of England

By Keith Osborne, published on, Wednesday 4th August 2021 There’s no doubt that the last extraordinary 16 months have made us all think more about where we live and our lifestyle, and for older people locked down for so...more

Future Proof your Retirement Living

Downsizing to a home that no longer needs to accommodate a large family is something that people often do at a stage in their life when they are still healthy, fit and active. They may be thinking about releasing capital,...more

Books really do furnish a room

Published on Lots of new houses tragically don’t have bookshelves. By Liz Hodgkinson It is one of the most painful problems facing many older...more

Bungalows are not the only option in later life

Bungalows have historically been a popular choice for those seeking a retirement property as they are suitable for property owners at any age due to their suitability for the less mobile. But bungalows make up less than 7% of the...more

Water water everywhere…

The health benefits of blue spaces such as rivers, lakes and the sea are well documented, but they became increasingly sought after during the pandemic. So it’s no surprise that Cognatum’s retirement estates that are located close to water have...more

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